
What Level of Care Gives Rise to a Medical Malpractice Case in Florida?

Medical malpractice is a term almost everyone is familiar with. However, what exactly constitutes medical malpractice is often misunderstood by the general public. Essentially, a medical malpractice claim asserts that a doctor’s negligent conduct resulted in some harm to his or her patient. What exactly constitutes “negligent conduct” is often where much of the litigation lies in medical malpractice cases.In order to prove a case of medical negligence against a Florida doctor, the plaintiff must prove that the care they were provided by the defendant doctor fell below the generally accepted standard in the industry. This standard considers the amount of training and experience a doctor has, as well as the geographical region a doctor practices in. For example, a doctor in metropolitan Miami will not likely be able to claim ignorance of new medical technology or literature, whereas a doctor in rural Wyoming may be able to do so.

If a plaintiff is successful in a medical malpractice case, the case will then be assessed for damages. This may include amounts for past unpaid medical bills, any future medical expenses due to the accident, lost wages, a decrease in earning capacity, as well as any pain and suffering the victim sustained as a result of the physician’s negligent care.

Miami Cosmetic Surgeon May Lose License after Several Medical Malpractice Claims

Earlier this week, the Miami Herald published an article about a local cosmetic surgeon who may have his license taken away due to the numerous recent medical malpractice claims made against him. According to the article, the doctor focused his practice on “Brazilian Butt Lifts.” However, at least four patients have reported that they had to be hospitalized after the doctor performed what should have been routine surgery, some for as long as three months. All four patients were operated on within a three-day period.

Two of the cases alleged that the doctor repeatedly tore patient’s internal organs, including the liver and small intestine, causing infection, as well as liver and respiratory failure. At this early point, it remains to be seen if any of the women will file medical malpractice lawsuits against the doctor for the injuries they sustained as a result of their surgeries.

Have You Been the Victim of Medical Malpractice in Florida?

If you or a loved one have recently been the victim of medical malpractice, you may be entitled to significant monetary compensation for all you have endured. The skilled attorneys at Friedman Rodman Frank & Estrada, P.A. have a Florida personal injury practice dedicated to injury victims. They understand that you encompass more than just your injuries, and will treat you with the dignity and respect your deserve, all while working tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve. Call 877-448-8585 to set up a free initial consultation today. Calling is free and will not result in any obligation on your part unless we can ultimately help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

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