
South Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Blog


Appellate Panel Divided by Attack on Plaintiff’s Credibility in Recent Personal Injury Case

Plaintiffs who make a premises liability or other personal injury claim in Florida are often required to testify at the trial. A victim’s testimony can be used to describe how an injury occurred or to explain the effects that an injury has had on their quality of life. In cases…


Florida Court Grants PTSD Workers’ Compensation Benefits to Officer in Parkland Shooting

When employees and officers are injured on the job, sometimes injuries are not readily apparent. It can sometimes take weeks or even months to realize the full impact of emotional and physical injuries. And when injuries like PTSD or emotional trauma arise, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact…


Florida Court Denies Workers’ Compensation Over Doctor Choice

Workers’ compensation laws can be confusing to navigate. Minor details like choice of doctor can change the validity of your claim even if you believed you were in the right. Working with a workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate these claims and complex laws before you mistakenly make a…


Florida Appeals Court Reverses Trial Court Summary Judgement Decision in Negligence Case

In a recent case, the Third District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a negligence and premises liability action between a plaintiff that was driving, and the defendant, a construction and engineering firm. The suit resulted from an incident where the plaintiff’s vehicle struck…


One Killed Three Injured in Fatal Three-Car Florida Crash

Miami consistently ranks highly on the list of Florida cities with the most car accidents and crashes each year. This past year, Miami had more car crashes than anywhere else in the state of Florida. In a particularly concerning trend, fatal crashes in Miami have risen 14% between 2014 and…


Two Killed One Injured in Fatal Florida Highway Crash

Florida consistently ranks highly on the list of states with the most traffic accidents each year. Specifically, one of the most accurate ways to measure risks of fatal car accidents given disparities in populations of states is to measure deaths per 100 million miles traveled in a state. According to…


Florida Man Sentenced for Role in Fatal Boat Crash

Florida is known for having a vibrant boating culture. Unfortunately, that boating culture has a hidden price, vessel accidents. According to reports by the Treasure Coast Newspapers, in 2021, Florida boaters experienced a total of 751 accidents, including 60 fatalities, 469 injuries, and roughly $20 million in property damage. The…


Florida Appeals Court Overturns Lower Court Decision in Workers’ Compensation Case

In a recent case, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a benefits dispute between an employer and an employee. The claimant is a former emergency medical technician (EMT) that has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which the employer does not dispute. Instead,…


Florida Appeals Court Rejects Plaintiff’s Argument in Recent Product Liability Case

In a recent case, the Fourth District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a product liability case between a plaintiff that purchased a motorcycle, and the defendant, a motorsports dealer. The plaintiff was injured riding the motorcycle shortly after purchasing it when the motorcycle…


Florida Appeals Court Affirms Lower Court Decision in Workers’ Compensation Case

In a recent case, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a benefits dispute between an employer and an employee. The claimant has hypertension which was previously adjudicated as compensable. Following that adjudication, he filed a petition for benefits seeking payments of…

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