
South Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Blog


Florida Appeals Court Affirms Lower Court Decision in Sidewalk Negligence Case

In a recent case, the Second District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a dispute between a patron, Marvel Martin, and a restaurant, Columbia Food Service. Mrs. Martin tripped on a hexagonal piece of pavement immediately outside of the restaurant doors and contends that…


Florida Appeals Court Reverses Lower Court Order in Workers’ Compensation Case

Recently, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a workers’ compensation claim dispute. The claimant initially filed a Petition for Benefits (PFB) with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) in the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims (JCC) requesting medical and…


Florida Appeals Court Dismisses Compensation Claim, Affirming Lower Court Decision

Recently, the First District Court of Appeals in Florida issued an opinion in an appeal involving a workers’ compensation claim from a worker serving as a laundry attendant at a hotel who claimed to suffer a back injury lifting a mattress. According to the record, the attendant stated that he…


Pedestrian Killed in Fatal Florida Hit-And-Run Crash

Florida consistently ranks highly on the list of states with the highest number of hit-and-run accidents each year. Through August, Florida has already reported 52,791 hit-and-run car accidents throughout the state. Additionally, hit-and-run accidents have resulted in 11,494 reported injuries and 119 fatalities in Florida this year. There are many…


Appellate Court Denies Appeal in Florida Cruise Ship Case

Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued an opinion in an appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida involving a negligence claim by a plaintiff against a cruise ship operator following an injury on the ship. According to the…


Man Killed in Fatal Pedestrian Accident on Florida Turnpike

According to some metrics, Florida is the most dangerous state for pedestrians. In fact, researchers from the non-profit organization Smart Growth America (SGA) gave Florida a 201.4 rating on their pedestrian danger index, with Alabama coming in a distant second with a score of 174.6. This is in large part…


Florida Sheriff Found Liable for Teen’s Death and Ordered to Pay $15 Million

By the virtue of their employment, law enforcement officers and other public safety officials often find themselves in situations that present a danger to themselves or other members of the public. When people are hurt or killed as a result of negligent police activity, it may be challenging to determine…


Florida Boat Captain Charged with Manslaughter in Connection with Fatal Parasailing Accident

The tourism industry makes up a significant part of Florida’s economy, producing hundreds of thousands of full and part-time jobs for workers in our state. Additionally, the money spent by tourists supports other areas of the economy and contributes to the state budget through tax revenue. The tourism economy can…


Florida Court Denies Plaintiff’s Appeal in Trucking Case

Recently, a Florida court ruled on an appeal involving severe injuries that occurred in a truck parking lot. Originally, the lower court had decided that the company that owned the lot was not responsible for injuries suffered by the plaintiff. Reviewing this decision, the higher court agreed, ultimately denying the…

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