It is common knowledge that riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving that same distance in a car or larger motor vehicle, but the discrepancy in safety might surprise you. Some sources claim that someone riding on a motorcycle is 26 times more likely to die in an accident…
South Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Blog
Five Dead in Fatal Miami-Dade Wrong-Way Car Crash
Wrong-way car crashes refer to situations where one vehicle collides with another automobile while going in the wrong direction on a street, resulting in a violent collision between two incoming vehicles. According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAAFTS), between 2010 and 2018 there were 2,921 fatal wrong-way crashes resulting…
Florida Construction Worker Killed in Tragic Workplace Accident
As communities in Florida and nationwide continue to make investments in infrastructure and development projects, construction remains a powerhouse of industry in the state. Unfortunately, construction jobs can be hazardous for both the workers as well as members of the public. A 27-year-old construction worker was recently killed in an…
Plaintiff Successfully Appeals Rejection of Claim by Insurance Company
Florida residents and homeowners know very well that they and their properties exist comfortably at the whim of Mother Nature, whose destructive forces can cause problems on short notice. As the 2022 hurricane season comes to a close, many Florida residents are addressing maintenance and repair needs caused by the…
Two Killed in Florida After Wrong-Way Driving Leads to Head-On Collision
At any second, a small fender-bender can happen, disrupting the commute of those involved in the accident, and sometimes, disrupting the commute of those who are not directly involved. In these smaller fender-bender accidents, it can cause you the inconvenience of having to make an insurance claim and deal with…
Federal Appeals Court Revives Civil Assault Claim Against School Security Officer
Florida residents who intentionally or recklessly injure another by their conduct may be held criminally accountable by the government for their conduct with the filing of assault or criminal battery charges. In addition to this criminal liability, a person guilty of an assault that caused an injury can be held…
Auto-Pedestrian Accident Kills One in Nassau County
Crosswalks and roadsides can be some of the most dangerous areas in Florida cities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists alike. Traffic equipment failure, visibility obstructions, and negligent driving all contribute to the dangers that pedestrians face when walking near a roadway or crossing at a crosswalk. A crash that occurred…
Florida Plaintiff Successfully Rebuts Employer’s Claim that He Failed to Follow Course of Prescribed Treatment for Heart Disease
In a recent decision, the First District Court of Appeal in Florida addressed a worker’s compensation claim revolving around one individual’s heart disease. On appeal, the court had to decide whether the individual qualified for benefits based on a Florida statute stating that if a plaintiff departs from his doctor’s…
Five Young Adults in Florida Killed in Fatal Crash
When negligent or reckless driving is at play, the consequences can be severe, as is evident from a recent fatal collision that took place near Miami. A popular news site recently published information on the accident, revealing details about the driver as well as the victims of the devastating crash.…
Employer Compelled to Pay for Home Healthcare Expenses Under Workers’ Compensation Case
Florida workers’ compensation law is designed to allow for workplace injuries to be addressed and relieved efficiently and without undue difficulty for the injured employee who seeks treatment. In reality, offering functional workers’ compensation coverage costs employers and providers money, and they will often delay or deny coverage to prop…