
South Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Blog


The Impact of Jackknifing Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are a common everyday occurrence and can, unfortunately, lead to not only road closures, but devastating injuries for the parties involved. In 2019, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 5,005 people killed and an estimated 159,000 people injured in crashes involving large trucks.…


Florida Wrongful Death Claims Involving Suicide

Dealing with the preventable death of a loved one is one of life’s most challenging burdens. Under Florida’s wrongful death statute, individuals or entities who acted negligently or recklessly in causing another’s death may be liable for the damages they caused. The state’s statute allows the deceased person’s survivors a…


The Limits of Strict Liability in Florida Defective Product Cases

Companies or individuals that manufacture, market, or distribute consumer products in Florida have a duty to ensure that the products are safe for public use. If a person is injured or killed while using a dangerous product, the companies who manufactured or sold the product may be liable for damages…


How Florida’s “Dangerous Instrumentality Doctrine” Affects Liability for Car Accidents

When a Florida driver acts negligently and causes a car accident, it is well understood that that driver (or their insurance company) will be liable for damages caused by the accident. In some states, including Florida, the owner of an automobile can also be held accountable for damages caused in…


Tragic Florida Crash Kills Four People, Including a Five-Year-Old Girl

In the past few decades, trucks and SUVs have become extremely popular with families and daily drivers. Many people choose to buy a large vehicle because they believe that it would be safer in the event of a crash. Although large vehicles do fare better when colliding with smaller vehicles,…


Woman Killed after High Winds Trigger Tragic Parasailing Accident

Water sports and other outdoor recreational activities play a significant role in Florida’s economy and help make our state desirable for tourists and locals alike. Many water sports, especially the motorized type, carry risks inherent to the sport itself. Consumers seeking to participate in a sporting activity facilitated by a…


Florida Arbitration Agreement Disputes in Personal Injury Cases

Mediation and arbitration are commonly used forms of alternative dispute resolution in Florida. While many use these terms interchangeably, there is a critical distinction between mediation and arbitration. During mediation, the mediator assists the parties in communicating to reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary agreement. In contrast, during arbitration, an…


Understanding Florida Car Insurance Requirements and Fault Rules

Following a major car accident, it may be obvious who was at fault and who caused the accident. Sometimes, however, car accidents are not as clear cut. In accidents with complex timelines, multiple parties, and conflicting testimony from witnesses and those involved, it can often become messy very quickly to…


Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit after a Florida DUI Accident

South Florida drunk and impaired driving accidents are a far-too-common occurrence. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), millions of people choose to drive while under the influence of drugs and alcohol each year. Impaired driving contributes to over 800 deaths in Florida every year and often claims…


Florida Teen Driver Charged with Six Fatalities

According to the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”), motor vehicle accidents are the second leading cause of death for teenagers. Further, the Florida Department of Transportation (“FDOT”) reports that teen-related accidents dramatically increase between the “100 Deadliest Days”, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Approximately seven teenagers die…

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