
South Florida Personal Injury Lawyers Blog


Florida Lane-Change Accidents Involving Large Trucks

Florida lane change accidents refer to instances when a driver leaves their travel lane without a clear path to enter another lane. According to research by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences and AAA Foundation, many factors contribute to lane change accidents. The most severe lane change accidents…


Fatal Florida Accidents Involving T-Bone Collisions

T-Bone or broadside collisions refer to situations where the front of one vehicle collides into the side of another vehicle. Florida broadside accidents tend to happen at intersections, parking lots, or in situations where one driver fails to stop at a red light or stop sign. These accidents are more…


Recent Lithium-ion Battery Fire Could Affect Florida Residents

With mild, warm weather year-round, Florida residents are no stranger to commuting by electric bike or scooter to enjoy the sunshine without compromising mobility and efficiency. Many of these electric bikes or scooters, however, are operated by complex technology and lithium-ion batteries, which can come with risks of the bike…


Recovering Damages after Falling in Florida Restaurant Parking Lot

Recently, an appeals court issued an opinion stemming from a woman’s injuries after falling in a Florida restaurant parking lot. According to the record, the woman and her then-boyfriend were meeting another couple at another restaurant in Naples. The man dropped the woman off in front of the restaurant while…


Florida Appellate Court Reverses Premises Liability Verdict over Improper Jury Instruction

Most Florida negligence lawsuits that proceed to a trial are ultimately decided by a jury. Juries are made up of randomly selected members of the public, who are not expected to have any specific knowledge of tort law. Courts use jury instructions, which are given to the jurors before deliberation,…


Florida Multi-Vehicle Collision Kills 8-Year-Old, Seriously Injures Several Others

Florida car accidents that occur on interstates and other high-speed roads are especially dangerous, as many drivers fail to realize how speed factors into the likelihood for an accident to occur, as well as the severity of accidents that do occur. Deadly accidents are tragically common on Florida roads, and…


Florida Hit and Run Driver Faces Criminal Charges Following Fatal Accident

Earlier this month, a hit and run accident claimed the lives of two children and injured four others. In the wake of the accident, investigators scoured the scene for evidence. Ultimately, their investigation led them to a man whom they believed was driving at the time of the accident. During…


Business Owner Liability for Florida Slip and Fall Accidents

Florida business owners have a duty to maintain their property to a reasonable standard of safety for their patrons. This duty includes the responsibility to keep public areas of the business free from dangerous conditions, such as broken glass, spilled liquids, or icy pathways. A business owner can only be…


Staying Safe by Avoiding Injuries this Holiday Season

Because of Florida’s mild weather, it is unsurprising that many people choose to spend their winter holiday enjoying the state’s beaches and sunshine. While out and about this holiday season, it is still important to be cautious of your surroundings and environment, especially with crowds. When near water, there are…

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